Product Specifications:
- Materials: Stainless steel SUS 304 & brass.
- Fingerprint sensor: Semiconductor capacitive high resolution (FPC Sweden).
- Mainboard: With secure smart chip (STMicroelectronics Italy).
- Mortise: Stainless steel SUS 304, ultra heavy duty.
- Cylinder & key: Full brass, highest security grade.
- Dust proof & splash proof.
- Access methods: Application, fingerprint, PIN code, RFID card / tag / sticker MIFARE 1K 13.56 Mhz, mechanical key.
- Application and WiFi features are optional; the smart lock can still be used normally without WiFi on site.
- Connect the smart lock to the application (requires WiFi on site) to use remote unlocking, temporary passwords, dynamic passwords, opening notifications and history, member management, and other Tuya Ecosystem features such as automation, smart scenes, integration with other Tuya-supported smart devices, etc.
- Automatic locking: The outside handle will automatically lock (cannot open the latch bolt and deadbolt) a few moments after access is granted.
- Lift the handle to engage the deadbolt.
- Passage mode: Converts the smart lock to a conventional door handle, allowing access without verification.
- Dual verification mode: Requires verification of 2 different User IDs to grant access.
- Fake PIN: Insert the real PIN among random codes to prevent detection by onlookers.
- Mute / silent mode: Operator sounds can be silenced.
- Menu language settings: Adjustable (Indonesian, English, Mandarin).
- Battery: 1.5V AA alkaline batteries × 4 pcs.
- Lifetime: Mechanical mortise & cylinder
- 1 Years: Electronic components
Spesifikasi Produk:
- Â Materials: Stainless steel SUS 304 & brass (kuningan).
- Fingerprint: Semiconductor capacitive high resolution (FPC Sweden).
- Mainboard with secure smart chip (STMicroelectronics Italy).
- Mortise: Stainless steel SUS 304, ultra heavy duty.
- Cylinder & key: Full brass, highest security grade.
- Dust proof & splash proof.
- Metode akses: Aplikasi, fingerprint, kode PIN, kartu / tag / sticker RFID MIFARE 1K 13.56 Mhz, kunci mekanis.
- Fitur aplikasi dan WiFi adalah opsional, smartlock tetap dapat digunakan secara normal tanpa WiFi di lokasi.
- Connect smartlock ke aplikasi (membutuhkan WiFi di lokasi) untuk dapat menggunakan fitur pembukaan jarak jauh, password sementara, password dinamik, notifikasi dan riwayat pembukaan, member management, dan fitur Tuya Ecosystem lainnya seperti automation, smart scene, integrasi dengan smart device lain yang support Tuya, dll.
- Automatic locking, handle sisi luar akan otomatis loss (tidak dapat membuka latchbolt dan deadbolt) beberapa saat setelah akses dibuka.
- Engkol handle ke atas untuk mengeluarkan deadbolt.
- Passage mode, mengubah smartlock menjadi handle pintu konvensional, membuka akses tanpa harus verifikasi.
- Dual verification mode, mewajibkan verifikasi 2 User ID yang berbeda untuk membuka akses.
- Fake PIN, menyelipkan PIN asli di antara kode acak agar tidak diketahui pengintai.
- Mute / silent, suara operator dapat disenyapkan.
- Bahasa menu pengaturan dapat diatur (Indonesia, English, Mandarin).
- Baterai alkaline 1.5V ukuran AA × 4 pcs.
- Seumur Hidup: Mortise mekanis & silinder
- 1 Tahun: Komponen elektronik
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