Product Specifications:
- Materials: Stainless steel SUS 304 & brass.
- Fingerprint sensor: Semiconductor capacitive high resolution (FPC Sweden).
- Mainboard: With secure smart chip (STMicroelectronics Italy).
- Mortise: Stainless steel SUS 304, ultra heavy duty.
- Cylinder & key: Full brass, highest security grade.
- Dust proof & splash proof.
- Access methods: Application, fingerprint, PIN code, RFID card/tag/sticker MIFARE 1K 13.56 Mhz, mechanical key.
- Application and WiFi features are optional: the smart lock can still be used normally without WiFi on location.
- Connect the smart lock to the application (requires WiFi on location) to be able to use features such as: remote opening, temporary password, dynamic password, opening notifications and history, member management, and other Tuya Ecosystem features such as automation, smart scenes, integration with other smart devices that support Tuya, etc.
- Auto lock mode with magnetic sensor: automatically locks only when the door has been closed tightly. Magnetic sensor is included, to detect the position of the door closed/not closed.
- Auto lock mode with timer: automatically locks a few seconds after opening access, the timer can be set to 5 / 10 / 15 / 20 seconds.
- Manual lock mode (passage mode): does not automatically lock. The door can be locked at any time / as needed according to needs, this mode is practical if you often go in and out so you don’t need to verify every time you want to open the door. To lock from the outside, simply press the button, or use the mechanical key.
- Slide the privacy toggle to lock all User IDs from the outside: only Admin IDs and mechanical keys can open access from the outside.
- Dual verification mode: requires verification of 2 different User IDs to open access.
- Fake PIN: inserts the original PIN between random codes so that it is not known to the watcher.
- Mute / silent: operator sounds can be muted.
- Setting menu language can be set (Indonesian, English, Mandarin).
- 1.5V alkaline batteries size AA × 4 pcs.
- Lifetime: Mechanical mortise & cylinder
- 1 Years: Electronic components
Spesifikasi Produk:
- Materials: Stainless steel SUS 304 & brass.
- Fingerprint sensor: Semiconductor capacitive high resolution (FPC Sweden).
- Mainboard: With secure smart chip (STMicroelectronics Italy).
- Mortise: Stainless steel SUS 304, ultra heavy duty.
- Cylinder & key: Full brass, highest security grade.
- Dust proof & splash proof.
- Metode akses: Aplikasi, fingerprint, kode PIN, kartu / tag / sticker RFID MIFARE 1K 13.56 Mhz, kunci mekanis.
- Fitur aplikasi dan WiFi adalah opsional, smartlock tetap dapat digunakan secara normal tanpa WiFi di lokasi.
- Connect smartlock ke aplikasi (membutuhkan WiFi di lokasi) untuk dapat menggunakan fitur pembukaan jarak jauh, password sementara, password dinamik, notifikasi dan riwayat pembukaan, member management, dan fitur Tuya Ecosystem lainnya seperti automation, smart scene, integrasi dengan smart device lain yang support Tuya, dll.
- Mode auto lock dengan magnetic sensor, otomatis mengunci hanya ketika pintu telah ditutup rapat. Magnetic sensor sudah termasuk, untuk mendeteksi posisi pintu tertutup / tidak.
- Mode auto lock dengan timer, otomatis mengunci beberapa detik setelah membuka akses, timer dapat diatur 5 / 10 / 15 / 20 detik.
- Mode manual lock (passage mode), tidak otomatis mengunci. Pintu dapat dikunci kapan saja / seperlunya sesuai dengan kebutuhan, mode ini praktis jika sering keluar masuk sehingga tidak perlu verifikasi setiap kali hendak membuka pintu. Untuk mengunci dari luar cukup dengan menekan tombol, atau gunakan kunci mekanis.
- Geser privacy toggle untuk mengunci semua User ID dari luar, hanya Admin ID dan kunci mekanis yang dapat membuka akses dari luar.
- Dual verification mode, mewajibkan verifikasi 2 User ID yang berbeda untuk membuka akses.
- Fake PIN, menyelipkan PIN asli di antara kode acak agar tidak diketahui pengintai.
- Mute / silent, suara operator dapat disenyapkan.
- Bahasa menu pengaturan dapat diatur (Indonesia, English, Mandarin).
- Baterai alkaline 1.5V ukuran AA × 4 pcs.
- Seumur Hidup: Mortise mekanis & silinder
- 1 Tahun: Komponen elektronik
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