- HSP 1302CP – Chrome
- HSP 1302MB – Matte Black
- HSP 1302GM – Satin Gunmetal
- HSP 1302SG – Satin Gold
Product Specifications:
- Material: PowerABS, high-quality, new hard ABS copolymer (non-recycled). Solid, hard, and highly durable. Shatter-proof and non-porous. Rust-proof and corrosion-resistant.
- Water outlet points: Made of silicone elastomer (not hard plastic), non-hardening and non-brittle. Easy to clean, preventing clogging from dirt and limescale. Water spray is always neat and feels strong.
- 3 spray modes: Power Rain, Sprinkle Jet, and Power Rain + Sprinkle Jet.
- Water temperature resistance: Resistant to high cold and hot water temperatures.
- Water pressure resistance: Resistant to high water pressure up to 10 bar.
- Thread size: Standard 1/2 inch thread size (common size for connecting to shower hoses).
- 1-year leakage warranty.
Spesifikasi Produk:
- Material PowerABS, copolymer hard ABS kualitas tertinggi dan baru (bukan daur ulang / recycle). Padat, keras, dan sangat tahan lama. Anti-pecah dan anti-keropos. Tidak berkarat dan tidak korosi.
- Titik-titik outlet air terbuat dari silicon elastomer (bukan plastic keras), tidak mengeras dan tidak getas. Mudah dibersihkan, sehingga tidak tersumbat kotoran dan kerak air. Semburan air selalu rapi dan terasa kuat.
- 3 mode spray: Power Rain, Sprinkle Jet, dan Power Rain + Sprinkle Jet.
- Tahan suhu air dingin dan panas tinggi.
- Tahan tekanan air tinggi hingga 10 bar.
- Ukuran drat standar 1/2 inch (ukuran umum untuk disambung dengan selang shower).
- Garansi 1 tahun terhadap kebocoran.
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